Weights Snapshot

Code Weight values are determined based on a monthly snapshot. For each snapshot, an implied value is determined based on the stETH deposited. For additional information, please refer to the “Code Contributor Weights Guide.”

Month Valuation MethodologyImplied MOR PriceUSD per Weight
Sept 2024Avg Trading Price$22.05$0.27
Aug 2024Avg Trading Price$19.71$0.24
July 2024Avg Trading Price$22.20$0.27
June 2024Avg Trading Price$49.50$0.60
May 2024Avg Trading Price$97.07$1.186
April 2024MRC09 + Liquidity Support stETH$64.10$0.783
March 2024MRC09 Opening Price$33.33$0.407
Feb 2024stETH Deposited$6.89$0.20
Pre-Feb 2024Cost Paid$2.05$0.025